Norfolk Environmental Commission (NEC
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Rachel Carson s Silent Spring is now 35 years old. Written over the years 1958 to 1962, it took a hard look at the effects of insecticides and pesticides on songbird...
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Norfolk Environmental Commission. The Norfolk Environmental Commission is a City Council appointed group of citizens who lead the effort toward environmental...
By: Patrick
By: Ella
By: Kaylee
By: Jessica
By: Savannah
By: Kimberly
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This hilarious conversation piece will sure be a puppy pleaser as well as a crowd pleaser. This will keep your pet well hydrated as you fill any 2 liter bottle and...
Portland Water Bureau | The City of
Save water, save money and help the environment. From around the home and in the garden to at work, Toronto Water offers programs and advice for saving water and...
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Powell Butte Reservoir 2 Project. The new 50-million gallon underground reservoir at Powell Butte is on schedule for completion before the end of 2013...
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Please double-check with your water company or municipality for any changes in policy. Foremost High Efficiency Toilets (HET) meet WaterSense requirements and should...